DataMiner Services

Unlock the power of seamless collaboration, DevOps empowerment, and ultimate convenience with

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Cloud Services - collaboration icon


Enhanced collaboration and communication among teams - empower icon


Improve efficiency and productivity for DataMiner users - platform services icon

Platform Services

Less overhead and higher availability, thanks to “as-a-service” options

Collaboration functions: synergize

Collaboration is an essential element of success in today's business world. It's crucial to have tools that enable efficient teamwork and powerful synergy across the entire supply chain.

DataMiner's collaboration functions are designed to provide just that.

DataMiner Dashboards

Dashboard Sharing

Dashboard Sharing allows the simple sharing of live data with stakeholders as a single reference point. Reducing OPEX and accelerates incident resolution.

With Dashboard Sharing, all stakeholders have access to the same real-time data, facilitating quick and informed decision-making.

DataMiner Remote Connect

Remote Access

Remote Access is another collaboration feature of DataMiner. It consists of Remote app access and Remote Cube access. Remote app access (HTML) allows you to access all the low-code apps created in your environment, including the monitoring app, from anywhere.

On the other hand, Remote Cube access will allow secure and effortless remote access to your entire Cube environment without the need for a VPN connection.

DataMiner Chat


Yet another collaboration function that enhances the value of your teams as it enables more effective collaboration using insights and controls from your DataMiner System with generic or custom chat commands.

With the DataMiner chatbot for Microsoft Teams or Slack, all DataMiner System information is at your fingertips, making communication and interaction among teams more convenient.

DataMiner Services

DevOps functions: empowerment

One of the primary benefits of DevOps functions is empowerment. The DevOps functions empower you to leverage the full range of available functions, unleashing your creativity and maximizing your potential.

Dataminer Dojo

Dojo Community

The DataMiner Dojo Community is a key element of this empowerment. By connecting users with a global network of peers, the community provides a platform for collaboration and idea sharing that leads to valuable insights and innovations.

DataMiner Catalog

DataMiner Catalog

As a central location for all DataMiner artifacts, the Catalog makes it easy to manage and access connectors and other elements of the platform.

And as the Catalog expands to include additional artifacts such as Visio diagrams, automation scripts, and DMAPP packages, users will have even greater access to tools and resources.

DataMiner Collaboration

Project Collaboration

Project Collaboration is another function that empowers users, providing time and budget tracking and agile project deployment functions. By simplifying project management and offering user-friendly views, Project Collaboration helps users stay on top of their projects and achieve their goals.

DataMiner CI-CD


Powerful DevOps tools such as the DataMiner Integration Studio (DIS) and the CI/CD pipeline are crucial in automating the building, testing, and deployment of code.

With integration to popular platforms like GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, and GitHub Actions, users can take advantage of powerful tools to streamline their development processes and achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

Video file

Platform Services: convenience

Convenience is another key benefit. With these services, you can streamline your operations and free up your time and resources to focus on your core business.

Health Package

The Health package offers automated logfile collection and upcoming System Performance Indicators (SPI) collection for proactive support. That allows us to identify and resolve potential incidents before they can wreak havoc on your system.

With the Health package, you can enjoy peace of mind and focus on what really matters - running your business smoothly and efficiently.

Storage as a Service

Platform services prioritize convenience. Imagine not having to manage your Cassandra and Elasticsearch database clusters anymore. With the scaling and complexity taken care of, you and your team can focus on the core business of your company. We are developing a Storage as a Service solution that streamlines your core operations by utilizing Skyline’s hosting service for your storage cluster, resulting in a significant reduction of on-premises resources, configuration, and maintenance.

DataMiner (node) as a Service

To enhance convenience further, our next step is to provide DataMiner node as a Service, which simplifies the deployment of DataMiner nodes in on-prem and private cloud environments. This will greatly ease the installation and integration process.

Finally, DataMiner as a Service will allow you to spin up your DataMiner System in the cloud in just a few minutes with Skyline-hosted DataMiner nodes (SaaS). Know that while we’re working on the GA of those services, customers can already contact us today!

Discover all the DataMiner Functions

DataMiner Functions are the foundation of your data-driven operation. They make it easy to create powerful solutions by cherry-picking the building blocks you need.

Their modular architecture lets you build a scalable operation and integrate with third-party applications and services. This gives you the flexibility to create better, faster, and cheaper solutions!

DataMiner Functions

how to access

I have a corporate email address linked to a social account

If your corporate email address is linked to a Microsoft, Google, Amazon or LinkedIn account, you can simply proceed by selecting one of those login methods to authenticate yourself via those third-party identity providers, and access instantly.

This option is the preferred choice, if available, as you can then reuse your existing account rather than having to make a new dedicated one.

Log in with your social account 

login with a social account

I don't have a corporate email address linked to a social account

You can also opt to create a dedicated account via the ”Sign Up” option at the bottom of the authentication window. You will then be invited to create a account with your corporate email address and a password of your choice. This will then give you access to

Create an account with your corporate email address

sign up